Wisdom Tooth Extraction Myths

Wisdom Teeth Extraction Astoria, NY

A wisdom tooth extraction is a popular procedure that most people are familiar with. However, as with most popular knowledge, not everything people believe is true, and that includes beliefs about removing wisdom teeth. Debunking these myths is important as they could be prohibiting individuals from getting the procedure that is necessary to maintain good oral health. 

Debunking myths about wisdom tooth extraction

Outlined below are a few common myths about wisdom tooth extractions. Reviewing this information can be helpful when trying to determine what is true about the procedure.

Wisdom tooth extraction is unbearably painful

Many individuals are under the impression that wisdom tooth extraction is unbearably painful. While the procedure itself can result in some discomfort, there is actually not a lot of pain felt. The patient typically medicated prior to the extraction, which eliminates any pain felt. 

After a wisdom tooth extraction, the patient will feel some discomfort; however, it should not be unbearable and pain medications are administered to remedy the pain for the days following. 

The recovery process is very time-consuming

Recovering from a wisdom tooth extraction does require a few days; however, beyond that, the patient is free to do as they please. Work and school should be put on hold for two to three days in order to allow time to rest. After that, recovery is relatively simple. For a week after a wisdom tooth extraction, the individual should expect to do the following:

  • Consuming pain medications daily
  • Eating an adjusted diet, including soft or liquid-based foods
  • Using ice or a cold compress to reduce swelling and inflammation

It may be time-consuming for individuals who have busy schedules; however, it is important to remember that the results are worth the couple of days off that are recommended. 

Everyone has to undergo wisdom tooth extraction

It is a common myth that everyone has to have their wisdom teeth extracted; however, this is actually not true! The wisdom teeth only have to be removed when they become crowded, impacted, or painful, or if they pose a risk to oral health. 

Wisdom tooth extraction is all people need for good oral health

While a wisdom tooth extraction can help improve one's oral health, the misconception that it can magically save the health of the teeth and gums is not true. The condition of one's oral health lies on the patient's ability to care for their teeth and gums at home through daily oral hygiene. When the wisdom teeth erupt, there can be some potential oral health concerns that may develop; however, the majority of them do not pose a long-term risk and they can be combatted through the extraction procedure. 

Learn more about wisdom tooth extraction

There are a lot of myths about wisdom tooth extractions that go far beyond the ones listed above. Nonetheless, the procedure can still be quite helpful in improving oral health and reducing discomfort. Long-term, the benefits outweigh any fears that stem from such myths. 

To find out the truth about wisdom tooth extractions, reach out today. Questions can be answered and additional myths can be discussed. 

Request an appointment here: https://www.astoriacitydental.com or call Astoria City Dental at (718) 416-6421 for an appointment in our Astoria office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Wisdom Teeth Extraction in Astoria, NY.

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